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Great Eye Examinations: There Is So Much More To It Than What Meets The Eye


All five senses are important but most people would say that they value their eyesight more than the rest because life will be really hard when you go blind. This is the main reason why eye examinations has to be of great quality. The thing here is that not everyone knows that is great and what is mediocre when it comes to these examinations and so when people get examined, even if its not the best kind, they will just be okay with it. It has been believed that all examinations done on the eye is the same anywhere you get it, but there is actually a difference between them and it all depends on who does the examination.  Find out for further details right here


The Basics Involved In Eye Examination


Any expert in the field of study involving the eyes would be capable of doing the basics which would include visual acuity where in the extent of your vision is measured, eye health assessment which measures the pressure felt by the eyes and the condition of the retina, and, if you wear glasses, prescription for them is also part of the basics. These examinations can be done in just a few minutes. When a professional in this industry does clinic hours, they earn based on the number of patients come in and get basic examination. This is the reason why these professionals do not exert effort to go beyond the basics because the income they get from it will suffice already.  You can get more information here.


It is sad to think that professionals can do so much more but they chose to use their abilities to the minimum level only because they are contented. A true medical practitioner would always aim to be better so that they can help people with more severe eye conditions.


Checking One's Health Through Their Eyes


Eye health checks come in various forms, too. The most basic practices would involve the checking of the retina using the ophthalmoscope and a puff tonometry. Professionals limit themselves to the basics given that many patients come in for such tests only and they get enough patients each day. But to truly care for the vision sense of the people, practitioners in this field of study has to better themselves in order to provide more tests and assess more health conditions.


There are some clinics who do not just do check ups but they take photographs of the retinae to get a better look. Sometimes they even provide 3D images of the optical disk. Take  a look at this link for more info.

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